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Myths, Gimmicks, & Tricks

Myths, Gimmicks, & Tricks

Free Solar

There is no such thing as free solar. The systems are expensive but they come with so many advantages that it finally makes sense to buy them. While it’s true that there are powerful state and federal incentives you will need to decide what’s right for your family. Here is a link to both the Minnesota program and the Federal Tax Credit.


The Minnesota Net Metering Program really makes batteries obsolete unless you have medical equipment or special needs that can’t withstand a rare power outage. With Net Metering you get to use your solar power to supply your house and sell the excess to the grid for a 1:1 credit you can use anytime. The vast majority of our customers agree this makes the most sense but we’re happy to explain and quote all of your options.

Hidden Fees

Some solar companies have borrowed the billing strategy of utility companies. Your bill can have a rate for power that literally doubles by the time you add in all the extras, fees, and taxes. We think that’s wrong. Our paperwork is clear and easy to understand with no hidden fees, fake taxes, or bad math.

Burn & Go

Unfortunately, some solar companies learned a bad lesson from storm chasers who do shoddy repairs and leave town before you realize the roof leaks. We’re a locally owned and operated company with no ties to national brands. This is something we’re proud of because who’s gonna take better care of you than your neighbors?

Tax Credits

The Federal Tax Program for solar is fantastic but like all other government programs, you need to read the fine print. For example, the tax credit will never actually translate to a refund check but it will lower your tax bill. It also rolls over so you can use a portion of the credit this year and the rest next year. Don’t be pressured to buy because of rumors of these incentives expiring. The truth is nobody knows how long the program will last but Washington. Here is a link to the program details.

State Incentives

Minnesota has one of the strongest solar incentive programs in America. What makes it particularly good is that it has an option called Net Metering which gives you a credit for energy your system produces beyond what you use. You can redeem this credit whenever you want and it’s the most popular incentive most customers choose. Want a check instead of a credit? No problem. When we setup your system we’ll review all the options and get you enrolled in the program that makes sense. So that you know, the average time it takes to get your system hooked up with the state program is 30-90 days.

Deceptive Marketing

The reason we say we sell Plain English Solar is because there are a lot of bad actors out there who just don’t call balls and strikes. We think education and honesty are the best tools we have and it shows. Over half of our business comes from referrals from existing customers, which we appreciate very much.

High-Pressure Sales Tactics

If it can’t wait its probably a bad idea. We encourage you to talk with our competitors. To save you some time here is a link to a document with their contact information. Beware of companies that try to scare you with stories of expiring incentive programs and discounts that sound too good to be true (which they usually are. 🙂 

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